Package com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.type

Interface Summary
TypeHandler Interface for getting data into, and out of a mapped statement

Class Summary
BaseTypeHandler Base type handler for convenience
BigDecimalTypeHandler BigDecimal implementation of TypeHandler
BooleanTypeHandler Boolean implementation of TypeHandler
ByteArrayTypeHandler byte[] implementation of TypeHandler
ByteTypeHandler Byte implementation of TypeHandler
CallableStatementResultSet A way to make a CallableStatement look like a ResultSet
CustomTypeHandler Custom type handler for adding a TypeHandlerCallback
DateOnlyTypeHandler Date only implementation of TypeHandler
DateTypeHandler Date (and time) implementation of TypeHandler
DoubleTypeHandler Double implementation of TypeHandler
FloatTypeHandler Float implementation of TypeHandler
IntegerTypeHandler Integer Decimal implementation of TypeHandler
JdbcTypeRegistry Singleton
LongTypeHandler Long implementation of TypeHandler
ObjectTypeHandler Object implementation of TypeHandler
ParameterSetterImpl A ParameterSetter implementation
ResultGetterImpl A ResultGetter implementation
ShortTypeHandler Short implementation of TypeHandler
SqlDateTypeHandler SQL Date implementation of TypeHandler
SqlTimestampTypeHandler SQL timestamp implementation of TypeHandler
SqlTimeTypeHandler SQL time implementation of TypeHandler
StringTypeHandler String implementation of TypeHandler
TimeOnlyTypeHandler Time (only) implementation of TypeHandler
TypeHandlerFactory Not much of a suprise, this is a factory class for TypeHandler objects.
UnknownTypeHandler Implementation of TypeHandler for dealing with unknown types