Last Update: Wed Jul 19 17:43:50 EST 2006

Welcome to RBatis!

RBatis is the port of iBatis to Ruby and Ruby on Rails.

Using RBatis with Ruby on Rails

Currently the best way to use RBatis is in the Ruby on Rails framework. It can be used outside Ruby on Rails but this is not well-documented.

Installing the plugin

In the root of your Ruby on Rails application run:

  ./script/plugin install

Generating a model

You can generate a RBatis derived model using:

  ./script/generate rbatis account

It will generate a test and an empty RBatis model that looks something like:

  class Account < RBatis::Base

Statements and resultmaps

There’s two core concepts of RBatis: statements and resultmaps. Statements correspond to normal SQL statements, these are:

select :See RBatis::Select
select_one :See RBatis::SelectOne
select_value :See RBatis::SelectValue
insert :See RBatis::Insert
update :See RBatis::Update
delete :See RBatis::Delete

All statements are declared with RBatis::Repository::ClassMethods#statement.

A resultmap is used by the select statements to map a record in the resultset to a Ruby object, a ResultMap is declared with RBatis::Repository::ClassMethods#resultmap.

Declaring a select and select_one

  class Product < RBatis::Base

    statement :select_one, :find do |productid|
      ["SELECT * FROM product WHERE productid = ?", productid]

    statement :select, :find_by_category do |category|
      ["SELECT * FROM product WHERE category = ?", category]

These statements can be executed using:


But first you need to declare a resultmap. If otherwise specified a statement uses the resultmap named +:default+.

See RBatis::Select and RBatis::SelectOne.

Declaring a resultmap

A resultmap is used by a select (or select_one) to map one record from the database into a Ruby object. If a resultmap is not specified when declaring the select (or select_one) then the resultmap named +:default+ will be used. This is an example of a resultmap:

  resultmap :default,
    :product_id => ["productid", String],
    :name => ["name", String],
    :description => ["descn", String],
    :items => => Item, :select => :find_by_product, :key => :product_id)

The left hand side declares the field in the Ruby object and the right hand side is the mapping specification. The mapping specification can be an array in which case the RBatis::Column mapping is automatically used or it can be any other object that responds to +map(record, result) such as for example RBatis::LazyAssociation.

See RBatis::ResultMap.

Declaring a select_value

A select_value selects one value such as a integer or string from the database. For example:

  statement :select_value, :find_next_order_id, :result_type => Fixnum do
    "SELECT MAX(orderid) + 1 FROM orders"

See RBatis::SelectValue.

Declaring lazy associations


See RBatis::LazyAssociation.

Declaring eager associations

Support for outer join eager loading has not yet been implemented. It will be in a coming release.

Writing a custom type

A custom type is any object that implements +from_database(record, column)+. These are implemented on Fixnum and String. The column parameter is anything you pass as the first value to the mapping specification in your resultmap. Here is an example of a hairy multi-column mapping:

  class HairyObject
    def initialize(value1, value2)
      # ...

  class HairyMultiColumnMapping
    def self.from_database(record, columns)
      first_column, second_column = *columns[first_column], record[second_column])

And this would be used like this in a resultmap:

  resultmap :default,
    :hairy => [[:column1, :column2], HairyMultiColumnMapping]

Declaring insert, update and delete

These are relatively simple. Resultmaps are not used with these, you need to handle the mappings yourself using normal Ruby on Rails quoting. Here’s some examples:

  statement :insert do |person|
    ["INSERT INTO people (name) VALUES (?)",]

  statement :update do |person|
    ["UPDATE people SET name = ? WHERE id = ?",, person.person_id]

  statement :delete do |person|
    ["DELETE FROM people WHERE id = ?", person.person_id]

See RBatis::Insert, RBatis::Update, RBatis::Delete.

Using RBatis outside Ruby on Rails

Author:Jon Tirsen (
Copyright:Copyright © 2006 Apache Software Foundation
License:Apache Version 2.0 (see
